DynamicDynamic character is what i am interested in for both architecture and urban design. It might exist throughout the whole period from design concept to use of the building. It maybe a shape or form which can afford the feeling or possibility of change, or a system which is self-efficient or sustainable,or an emerge process like parameter design. My concern this time will be more larger scale as how to achive dynamic in the operation of urban systems,which can self-adjust or self-develop according to different influence.
Informalism/Chaos"not done or made according to a recognized or prescribed form;not according to order;unofficial,disorderly" ."Like the scientists who study chaos theory,we rejected the notion of infinite randomness and assumed that there is a discoverable,as
yet unidentified
---"informal city"
I have traveled in
several countries and area where we can understand the reality of chaos theory in a visible way.There might be over-crowded with physical or mental information ,such as HongKong,shinjuku and Bangkok, or be lack of order due to the economic reality and multi-culture,such as Phnom Penh. Instead of some new-planed artificial satellite cities in china, i think sometimes the patterns emerged from the informal growth of city are more attractive and may be more reasonable to sustain.
and looking forward to see what is happening in Istanbul in near future.

informal or international
Get to know this word after the research project with Mr.Graham Shane. There do exist some areas or buildings or activities called "heterotopia"in today's city,which have their particular character. There are already too much rules and regulations in today's city, if we want to survive,we may need to change the way of thinking.
which is the constant concern that i have in previous practice. Interesting in materials which form a building,or a settlement, a city. How people handle with different materials in various customs. I always believe that the world won't be built only by brick,concrete,glass and metal.
quite interested in different use of traditional material.

particularly looking into different kinds of lifestyle among different groups in various scale of areas in the city, or do comparative research among different cities. Why a certain lifestyle can emerge, develop or vanish,and what is the interaction between lifestyle and physical environment.
changeable expression of the city, the architecture and life due to different kinds of emotion inside. Maybe phenomenological, or technological, or subjective.
As a stranger to a new destination, i want to explore my experience to these things come to me.Rather than a designer ,i 'd like to be a wanderer, a consumer or a a user.Definitely i am all the time. It is also interesting to get to know others' experience for the same thing ,sometimes will give much inspiration to design.